Originally posted on Afterparty blog on 9th September 2009
Now Cluboholic.com users can share their event photos with the world. This feature can be used by anyone whether he’s a clubber carrying a camera, a photographer testing his low-light skills or a promoter who wants to show off his event. You can upload photos from any event in Cyprus that was posted on cluboholic.com’s event list, this applies to recent and old events (if you have some forgotten photos on your hard drive from an event that took place a long time ago you can still upload them for the sake of documenting clubbing history!).
To start an album you will need at least 10 photos. While logged in click on the Create New Album button which can be found at the top right of the Photos section.
The following is a step by step guide on how to create your first album:
- Step 1: Pick the Event you’re uploading photos for at the following screen:
You can use the Previous and Next buttons to move in time through the event list or use Search to quickly find the event you are looking for by typing in a keyword. When you can see the event in the list click on it and it will appear under the Selected Event heading, then click Create. Please note that each user may only create one album per event, so if you happen to find more photos from the same you want to add later, just add them to the album you already created.
- Step 2: Your Albums Page
After the album is created you will be taken to your albums page where you can manage all albums you have created until now and a new empty entry for the one you just created will be there like the screenshot below.
- View – that shows a preview of the album and lets you delete individual photos if necessary.
- Upload Photos – Pops up the upload window where you can select files and upload them.
- Publish -When you are ready this button takes the album online, once published your album will appear automatically in the Photos section of cluboholic.com.
- Delete – Deletes the album and all the associated photos. There’s no way to undo this so make sure you know what you are doing.
- Step 3: Upload the Photos

- Step 4: Publish the Album